Ensuring a Smooth Journey for Your Pet: Health Certificates for Travel

At Mill Creek Veterinary Hospital, we understand that traveling with your furry companion can be an exciting adventure. Whether you’re planning a cross-country road trip or an international flight, ensuring your pet meets all the health requirements is crucial. We are here to help make the process stress-free.

Health Certificates | Mill Creek Veterinary Hospital

Meeting Travel Regulations with Health Certificates:

Most airlines and some states require a health certificate for pets traveling by air or crossing state lines. Our veterinarians are accredited to issue and endorse the necessary health certificates for both domestic and international travel of dogs and cats.

What to Expect When Obtaining a Health Certificate:

  • Schedule a Consultation: Contact us to schedule a pre-travel consultation for your pet. During this appointment, our veterinarian will:
    • Conduct a thorough physical examination of your pet
    • Review your pet’s vaccination history and ensure they are up-to-date on all required vaccinations
    • Discuss any specific health requirements for your travel destination
  • Health Certificate Issuance: Once your pet meets all the requirements, we will issue the official health certificate and ensure it is properly endorsed for your specific travel needs.

Additional Travel Considerations:

  • Airline Regulations: Airlines may have additional requirements for transporting pets. Be sure to review the airline’s pet travel policy well in advance of your trip.
  • Destination Country Requirements: Some countries have specific import regulations for animals. Research the requirements of your destination country to ensure your pet meets all entry criteria.

Peace of Mind for Your Pet’s Travels:

By planning ahead and obtaining the proper health certificate from Mill Creek Veterinary Hospital, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience for you and your four-legged friend. Contact us today at (425) 745-9733 to schedule a pre-travel consultation and discuss your pet’s travel needs.